Gambhir Sudharsan

Consultant - Oncology


Dr. Gambhir Sudharsan Consultant - Oncology



Secunderabad, India

Achievments & awards

Gambhir Sudharsan

  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Paper Published

  • April 2014 Until Now : Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Kims, Secunderabad.
  • 2005 To March 2014 : Senior Consultant Oncologist, Indo-American Cancer Institute And Research Center, Road No: 14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
  • 1989 To 2005 : Senior Consultant, Department Of Oncology, Medwin Hospitals,
  • 1981 To 1989 : Lecturer In Radiationtherapy And Oncology, Al Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.
  • 1980 To 1981 : Assistant Radiation Oncologist Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai.
  • 1979 To 1980 : Chief Radiation Oncologist, Siddheshwar Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra.

    M.B.B.S : S.V.Medical College , S.V.University : 1976 Tirupati, A.P., India M. R.T : ( Post-Graduation In Oncology) Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore University, Karnataka, INDIA : 1979 I.M.S.A : ( Fellow International Medical Sciences Academy) Awarded In 1999. Meritorial Certificate From Johns Hopkins University For My Work In Breast Cancer: Year 2000


  • Memberships: Aroi, Asco, Astro, Uicc, Esmo
  • Faculty Member Of
  • Teacher And Examiner For Dnb In Radiation Oncology And Medical Oncology
  • I Have Received Special Trainining In Use Of Active Breath Control In S B Rt At Germany And S R S & S R T At Amsterdam


  • Sudarshan G,Mohana Vamsy, Sudha Murthy S and Sudhakar Kumar V: Undifferentiated mitral valve sarcoma with secondaries in the brain in a 22 year old girl. Cancer Res and Ther, 3, 47-49, 2007.
  • Sudarshan G, Rama Rao M G, Raju K V V N: Letrozole as first line hormone therapy in breast cancer. Ind J of Medical Paed Oncology, 27, 60 – 64, 2006.
  • Sudarshan Gambhir, Shankaramahadev Doddala: An Experience with Vinorelbine as Radiosensitizer in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck and esophagus: Abstract 84-107, pp261, UICC Abstract Book, UICC World Cancer Congress, 2006.
  • Sudarshan G, Rama Rao M G, Raju K V V N:Letrozole as first line adjuvant harmonal therapy in cases of carcinoma breast- A preliminary study:Abstract book, ARIOCON 2005.
  • Sudarshan G, Shankara Mahadev D:Vinorelbine as radiosensitizer in head and neck and esophageal cancer: A pilot study, Abstract Number 5562, Abstract book, ASCO, New Orleans, 2005.
  • Raj BBS, Raju KVVN, Sudarshan G, Sudha A: Malignant invasive thymoma with pleural involvement diagnosed by FNA – A case Report, Journal of Cytology, 21 (3): 159-162, 2004.
  • Sudarshan G, Meghnadh KR, Sudha A: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of minor salivary gland in the buccal mucosa with metastatic deposits in sub cutaneous tissue, bones, brain and adrenals – A case Report: JCRO, 4, 38-40, 2004.
  • Sudarshan G: Management of anaemia in cancer patients with Epoetin alfa (Eprex 10,000- Johnson and Johnson). Abstract 179, Abstract book, 25th National Annual Conference of AROI, 2003.
  • Sudarshan G: A preliminary Experience with Caelyx (Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin ) in Different malignancies, Ind J of Med & Ped Oncol, 24 (3), 42-43. 2003.
  • Sun Yung Kim, Gambhir Sudershan, Antonio H Villalon, Saharyar, Vu V Vu,Jae Young Park, Subhashini JohnMan-Hong Jung, Manffred Lehnert : First line chemotherapy with Gemzar (GEM) and cisplatin (Cis) in Asian patients with advanced Non-Small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)- A prospective Observational study. Presented in World Conference on Lung Cancer held at Vancouver, Canada, 10 to 14 August, 2003.
  • Sudarshan G : “Role of Eprex (Epoetin Alfa – Johnson & Johnson) in the management of cancer related anemia” : Presented this paper in European Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncologists (ESTRO) (International) Conference held at Prague (Czek Republic) in September 2002.
  • Sudarshan G : “Preliminary experience with Caelyx (Stealth liposomal doxorubicin – Fulford) in various malignancies” : Presented this paper at the 18th UICC (International) conference held at Oslo (Norway) in July 2002 & it is published in the International Journal of Cancer.
  • Sudarshan G : “Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of head & neck region using Mitotax (Paclitaxel – DRL) as radiosensitizer”: Presented this paper in annual AROI (Association of RadiationOncologists of India) held at PGI, Chandigarh, November 2001 & it is published in Indian Journal of Radiotherapy and Oncology
  • Sudarshan G : “Taxotere ( Docetaxel – Aventis) as radiosensitizer in various malignancies” : Presented this paper at the Ist SAARC Conference held at Daca, Bangladesh, (International) in February 2000.
  • Sudarshan G. : “Role of Amifostine (ETHYOL- Fulford) as a radio and chemo protector” : Presented at the APCC (International – Asia Pacific National Conference) at Chennai, India and it is published in the APCC proceedings, Chennai, 1999.
  • Sudarshan : “Octreotide (SANDOSTATIN- Novartis) in the management of chemotherapy induced diarrhoea”: Presented at the APCC Conference at Chennai, 1999 and it is published in the APCC proceedings, Chennai, 1999.
  • Sudarshan G., Vanieshree R. : C.T.Scan based dosimetry in the treatment of carcinoma of oral tongue, published in the proceedings of AROI Conference, Cuttack, December, 1998., accepted for publication in the Journal of associaciation of Physicists of India.
  • Sudarshan G., Babaiah M., Sur R. K., : Treatment of oesophageal carcinoma at Medwin Hospitals : a preliminary report. Selectron Brachytherapy J , 6 : 38 – 39 , 1992.
  • Sudarshan G., Babaiah M., Sur R. K., Shah A. M., : Treatment of oesophageal cancer with intraluminal therapy. Medwin Clinical Proceedings , 1993.
  • Sudarshan G ., Babaiah M., Sur R. K., Shah A. M., : Experience with alpha 2-b interferon (INTRON – A) at Medwin Cancer Center, Hyderabad – a preliminary report. Ind J Med & Ped Oncol , 16 , 25 to 31 ,
  • El Mauhoub., Sudarshan G ., Aggarwal V. P., : Fanconi’s anaemia with associated acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia. Ind Paed , 28 , 1124 to 1127 , 1988.
  • El Mauhoub M ., Sudarshan G., Baloch R., : Juvenile type of chronic myeloid leukaemia in a 4 year old boy. Klinische Padiatrie , 200 , 15 to 19 , 1988.
  • El Mauhoub M ., Sudarshan G ., Baloch R ., : The effect of aspirin and dipyridamole therapy in haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Garyounis MedJ , 7 , 31 to 37 , 1984.
  • El Mauhoub M ., Sudarshan G ., Baloch R ., : Optic atrophy in a case of T – Cell acute lymhoblastic leukaemia. Garyounis Med J , 6 , 239 to 242 , 1983.
  • Babaiah M ., Sudarshan G ., Sur r. K., : Tumours of Pineal region . J Clin Radiother Oncol , 6 , 20 to 23 , 1991.
  • Babaih M ., Sudarshan G ., Sur R. K., : Metastatic skull secondaries from adenocarcinoma of the oeophagus. J Clin Radiother Oncol ,8, 46 to 49 , 1993.
  • Babaiah M ., Sudarshan G ., : Treatment of cancer cervix with LDR Selectron : experience at Medwin Hospitals. Medwin Clin Proceed , 1 , 6 to 12 , 1992.
  • Babaiah M ., Sudarshan G ., Sur R.K., Shah A.M., : Treatment of testicular tumours, a review, . Medwin Clin Pro , 2, 2 to 9 , 1993.
  • Babaiah M., Sudarshan G., Shah A.M., Ravi K ., :The use of radioactive phosphorus 32 in the treatment of skeletal metastases. J Clin Radioth and Onc, December suppl, 27 to 31, 1995.
  • Sur R.K., Shah A.M., Sudarshan G ., Babaiah M., : Early carcinoma of penis treated with radiation therapy- a preliminary report. Med Phy Bull , 19, 83 to 86 , 1993.
  • El Mauhoub M., Aggarwal V.P., Sudarshan G., : ronic ITP treatedwith intravenous pulse methylprednisolone. Ind Paed , 27 , 341 to 344, 1987.
  • El Mauhoub M., Aggarwal V P., Sudarshan G.,: High dose intravenous gammaglobulin and other treatments in chilhood acute ITP. Ind Paed , 28, 263 to 266 , 1988.
  • Sood S.K., Gupta A.K., Baloch R., Sudarshan G ., : Acute lymphoblastic leukaemiaof childhood in Benghazi. A studyof 21 cases during 1980 and 1981 in El Fatah Children Hospital, Benghazi. Garyounis med J , 6 , 27 to 34, 1983.
  • Sur R.K., Shah A.M., Babaiah M., Sudarshan G., : Human placentrex extract in the treatment of mucositis induced by radiotherapy, published in the proceedings of XV annual AROI Conference, Jemshedpur, December 1994.
  • Ravi K., Shah A. M., Babaiah M., Sudarshan G., : Radiation therapy and concurrent chemotherapy wih cisplatin (Daily vs Weekly ) in locally advanced head and neck cancers. Published in the proceedings of XVI annual AROI Conference, Trivendrum, February 1995..
  • R.Muralidhar., P.Narayana Murthy; D.Shankara Mahadev; K.Subramanyam; G.Sudarshan; and A.Krishnam Raju: Magnitude of shift of tumour position as a function of moderated deep inspiration breath-hold: An analysis of pooled data of lung patients with active breath control in image guided radiotherapy. Journal of Medical Physics, vol 33, No 3, 2008.
  • V.N.Madhusudhana Sreshty, Thogata Ramanjappa, Alluri Krishnam Raju, Kanaparthy R.Muralidhar and Gambhir sudarshan:Acquisition of equal or better planning results with interstial bracnytherapy when compared with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Tongue Cancers:Brachytherapy 12:27:52, ELSEVIER, 2010.

Talk Delivered

  • Fever and Bacteraemia in leukaemic children under induction therapy. Ist International Conference on Childhood Infections, Benghazi, Libya (International), October 23 to 25, 1984.
  • A six year experience in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Benghazi, Libya. Libyan – Austrian Seminar ( International), 1989.
  • Experience with alpha 2-b interferon at Medwin Cancer Center, Hyderabad, India – a preliminary report : Presented at the UICC Conference (International) , November 1994.
  • T.Based dosimetry in the treatment of cancers of oral tongue : Presented in the AROI Conference held at Cuttack, Orissa (National), in December 1998.
  • Role of Amifostine (ETHYOL ) as radio and chemoprotector : Presented at XV APCC Conference (International), Chennai, December 1999.
  • Octreotide ( SANDOSTATIN ) in the management of chemotherapy induced diarrhoea : Presented at the XV APCC Conference, 1999.
  • Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of head & neck region using Mitotax (Paclitaxel – DRL) as radiosensitizer : Presented at the AROI conference, held at PGI, Chandigarh (National), November 1999.
  • Taxotere (Docetaxel – Aventis) as radiosensitizer in verious malignancies : Presented at the Ist SAARC Conference held at Daca, Bangladesh (International) in February 2000.
  • Preliminary experience with Caelyx (Stealth Liposomal doxorubicin-Fulford) in various malignancies : Presented this paper at the UICC Conference(International), held at Oslo (Norway) in July 2002.
  • Role of Eprex (Epoetin Alfa – Johnon & Johnson) in the management of cancer associated anemia : Presented this paper in the ESTRO Conference held at Prague, Czek Republic(International), September 2002.
  • First line chemotherapy with Gemzar (GEM) and cisplatin (Cis) in Asian patients with advanced Non-Small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)- A prospective Observational study. Presented in World Conference on Lung Cancer held at Vancouver, Canada, 10 to 14 August, 2003.
  • Management of anaemia in cancer patients with Epoetin alfa (Eprex 10,000- Johnson and Johnson)Presented in 25th National Annual Conference of AROI, 2003.
  • Vinorelbine as radiosensitizer in head and neck and esophageal cancer: A pilot study, Presented in ASCO, New Orleans, 2005.
  • Letrozole as first line adjuvant harmonal therapy in cases of carcinoma breast- A preliminary study: Presented in ARIOCON 2005.
  • An Experience with Vinorelbine as Radiosensitizer in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck and esophagus: Presented in UICC World Cancer Congress, 2006.
Conducted three International conferences while working at Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital and Research Centre
  • Use Of Active Breath Control In S B R T
  • Treating Lung Cancers By Using R P M Technique
  • Treating Brain Tumours By Srs And Techniques Of Srt

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