Demyelinating Disorder
Movement Disorder
Neuromuscular Disorder
Dr Tanushree Chawla specializes in management of diseases like Neuropathies, Myasthenia and Myopathies. She is also an expert in treating Headaches, Movement Disorders, Epilepsy, Dementia, Stroke, and Demyelinating disorders like multiple sclerosis. Dr. Tanushree Chawla has presented multiple research papers in National and International conferences and has been published in various National and International journals of repute.
Fellowship in Neuromuscular Disorder NIMHANS, Bengaluru 2020 DM (Neurology) GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi 2019 MD (Medicine) King George Medical University, Lucknow 2015 MBBS MLB Medical College, Jhansi 2012
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